

In particular, on stage, there were the product lines of: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Nederland, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Russia, San Marino, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and Hungary.

120,000 square meters of net exhibition area, converted the fairground into the largest factory ever set up in an exhibition complex were hospitable for 150,000 visitors from approximately 100 countries.

In the spotlight there were more than 6,000 machines, for a total amount of half billion euro, considering machine tools, production systems, robots, industrial automation systems, all of them operating to show the technological innovations that will determine the future of manufacturing production and of work methods in production facilities.

ZMM Bulgaria was presented by two stands with a big number of machines: one dedicated to the universal lathes and the other dedicated to CNC lathes.

Together with our regional distributors for Italy Rimex and Sibimex, we showed to our customers: LT C10T.12/1500mm; LCC 1000C/3000mm; LT 580/2000mm; CU 500MT/1500mm; C 400TM/1000mm; C 10TM/3000mm; CU 630/2000; CU 500MT/1500mm.

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Get in touch

Head office

79 Knyaginya Maria Luiza Blvd, fl. 4, Sofia, 1202


Phone: +359 (0) 2 981 07 53
E-mail: office@zmmbulgaria.com

Email Us


The Company is represented by:

Daneta Zheleva – Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Vassil Tzanev – CEO of the Company