
CU325RD lathe with variable speed control

Unlike universal lathes, here the speed control is infinitely variable through the use of a frequency inverter.

It is possible to provide a “Continuous cutting speed” (V-const), i.e. the cutting speed is maintained during a change in the turning diameter, thus achieving higher precision and smoothness of the surface. By customer’s wish the machines might be implemented, taking into account the linear displacement and positioning through installation of a digital indication.

CU325RD 0.16MB
ZMM_catalogue_2023 4.67MB
Standart machine specifications


Height of centersmm165
Swing over bedmm325
Swing over cross slidemm190
Swing in gap – only DBC 1000mm440
Width of bedmm200
Distance between centersmm500; 750; 1000


Spindle nose DIN 55027No.5
Spindle boremm32
Spindle taperMetric4.5

Head stock

Number of spindle speedsInfinitely variable in 2 sub-ranges
Spindle speed rangesrpm85 - 405; 470 - 2200
Main motor powerkW2.2


Number of feeds48
Longitudinal feed rangemm/rev0,006 - 1,77
Cross feed rangemm/rev0,003 - 0,885


Number of threadsAs below
Metric thread rangemm( 48 ) 0,1 - 28
Inch thread rangeTpi( 53 ) 75 - 2,5
Module thread rangeModule( 19 ) 0,1 - 1,75
DP thread rangeDP( 19 ) 70 - 4


Cross slide travelmm150
Top slide travelmm95

Tail stock

Quill diametermm40
Quill taperMorseNo.3
Quill travelmm100


For DBC 1000 mmkg770
CU325RD 0.16MB
ZMM_catalogue_2023 4.67MB

Get in touch

Head office

79 Knyaginya Maria Luiza Blvd, fl. 4, Sofia, 1202


Phone: +359 (0) 2 981 07 53
E-mail: office@zmmbulgaria.com

Email Us


The Company is represented by:

Daneta Zheleva – Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Vassil Tzanev – CEO of the Company