

Our latest product catalog

Gear Wheels

ZMM Nova Zagora AD – design and manufacturing of assemblies and parts for metal cutting and woodworking machines, production lines, and general machinery products, spare parts, repairs, and services. The company produces: • Rotating parts; • Assemblies for metal cutting machines; • Assemblies and machines built in the woodworking centers; • Spare parts; www.zmmnz.com


IHB Electric AD designs, manufactures, delivers, installs and repairs horizontal and vertical Hydro generators, up to 200 MVA and different voltages and speeds. IHB Electric AD is the sole producer in the country of hydro generators for HPP and of large unique electric machines. www.ihbelectric.com

Electric Motors

IHB Electric AD designs, manufactures, delivers, installs and repairs the following types of electrical equipment: • Asynchronous low voltage motors up to 660 V, with squirrel-cage rotor, in the range from 7,5 to 315 kW and frequencies of 50 and 60 Hz; • Asynchronous high voltage motors 3 and 6 kV, from 200 to 1000 kW, with rotational speed 1500, 1000, 750, 600 and 500 rpm; • Special asynchronous high voltage motors; • Vertical asynchronous motors; • Synchronous motors; www.ihbelectric.com

Foundry products

IHB METAL CASTINGS AD – offers s great variety of casts covers the complete range of components for metal cutting machines, corpuses, supports, columns, tail stocks, bases, gearboxes and more. After the reconstruction in 1989 and the modernization of the melting unit in 2002 and 2008, today the foundry is equipped with machinery, technology and personnel meeting the high standards for a modern foundry. IHB METAL CASTINGS AD – Sofia is specialized in manufacturing high quality gray iron castings, each weighing from 100 kg to 10,000 kg, and sphere graphic iron castings each weighing up to 1,000 kg, with a high degree of complexity. www.ihbmetalcastings.com

Get in touch

Head office

79 Knyaginya Maria Luiza Blvd, fl. 4, Sofia, 1202


Phone: +359 (0) 2 981 07 53
E-mail: office@zmmbulgaria.com

Email Us


The Company is represented by:

Daneta Zheleva – Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Vassil Tzanev – CEO of the Company